I am available to provide consulting services to your organization. My experience in all areas of video production, engineering, and news gathering provide a unique viewpoint to analyze your systems, policies, and procedures.

I provide an independant opinion to support your operation and decisions. I do not sell or resell equipment, and will promptly make my clients aware of any conflicts of interest.

How does your group interact with news organization on a technical level? Are you providing a technical environment that makes is easy for your events to be broadcast? Are you planning a new design for part of your plant? Are you considering a major investment in new equipment or systems?
All of these scenarios can benefit from an objective, expert, independant opinion.

Recent Consulting Experiences:

Fortune 500 Telecommunications Firm:
Design, planning, and project management of small insert studio to support internal communications and provide “live shot” capabilities for external communication. Provide consulting services for new distribution schemes, media tours and connectivity; budget analysis for outsourced productions; brief department management on current technologies and future trends in broadcasting. Coordinate and supervise technical crews. Analyze current video library, and recommend new policies and procedures for cataloging and maintaining media assets.

Major Cellular Phone Provider:
Assist in design, planning, and technology decisions for new production facility. Assist client in selection of a systems integrator to engineer and build the facility. Budget analysis to ensure that client is paying fair prices for equipment and services.

International Trade Show:
Consulting for design and technology selection for multi-channel production facility to support video display, messaging, and branding at a major international exposition.

Copyright 1998 - 2005, Benjamin Johnson and BenThere Media, LLC. This is BenThere.com, the home page of Ben Johnson. This page is best viewed in Safari. Many of the pages have high quality images, so please be patient as they load. Created on a Mac, running on something else. Questions, coments? E-mail Ben!!